Essential Breeze® and Me Time

Following the pandemic, consumers want to know “how do I get back to me?”   

Consumers everywhere have been through the collective mill. Nothing has been normal for more than two years and it leaves us wondering if “normal” will ever exist again. A new way of seeing things since the heaviest days of the pandemic has identified the need for the experience of self.     

According to Mintel’s latest research on consumer buying trends, the “search for self” points to the consumer’s need for finding “me time,” the kind of time that makes room for emotional and physical wellbeing. The kind of time that allows for bringing the best self to all the endeavors that everyday living requires now.   

Getting too heavy? It was, and is, a very heavy time, and we are still taking it all in and understanding what’s next. To get to this understanding, consumers are seeking ways to have time to get centered, find calm, and feel uplifted to face the world. If there is to be some amount of “me time” every day, it must mean quality products with low expenses.     

Can essential oil aromatherapy help?   

More and more, consumers are seeking information about what essential oils are and what they can do.  In fact, the appetite for this information is nearly insatiable. Essential oils are concentrated compounds compressed or distilled from plants. They are not actually oils as the name would suggest, but rather fragrance derivatives or “essences,” of the essential parts of the plant. Plants have been known for centuries for their curative and therapeutic powers, but with the advent of modern medicine, we moved away from using plants in a therapeutic way. Today, despite what might still be unknown about essential oils and their dozens of applications, we do know that they have been credited for relieving stress and addressing scores of minor maladies, from sinus congestion to improving mood. Some users report alleviation of negative symptoms of various conditions after diffusing essential oils or passively inhaling them in surroundings.  

Aromatherapy is the practice of diffusing essential oils for therapeutic benefit. When essential oils are inhaled, the scent molecules travel from the olfactory nerves directly to the brain impacting the amygdala, the emotional center of the brain. Short of integrative medicine techniques, today’s most common usage of essential oils is to create feelings of peace, calm, happiness, and joy, to lift a mood, or soften other temporary feelings of discomfort.  

Harvesting the essential oils of plants is a labor-intensive and expensive process. So much so that those in the trade refer to the product as “liquid gold”. Given how many plants it takes to produce enough oil to fill 10 milliliters, it’s little wonder. For example, it takes 100 pounds of lavender plants to produce a single pound of lavender essential oil, and two tons of Bulgarian roses to make just one pound of rose essential oil. Consumers need to be able to reap the benefits of every drop of their essential oils.    

AERON Lifestyle Technology has invented products that treat essential oils properly, so customers aren’t wasting any of their “liquid gold.” We have always been a leader in the fragrance diffuser industry, proven by inventing and patenting an aromatherapy diffuser for cars before “aromatherapy” was a term in the business lexicon. It was the product that launched the company over 25 years ago. Since then, we have designed, manufactured, and customized thousands of fragrance diffusers for national retailers and wholesalers.   

Moving toward our third decade, AERON has innovated and patented numerous products for our own brands. AERON Drive Time® and Belle Aroma® brands each feature the work of seasoned designers and engineers who have invented and patented unique and time-tested diffusion products that can be used every day to yield the most longevity in essential oil and fragrance oil diffusion. The Essential Breeze® Aromatherapy Fan, from the Belle Aroma brand, uses a patented, gravity-fed design to employ a 10 ml bottle of essential oil that lasts at least two weeks. A small fan in the base of the unit throws the fragrance through the top of its attractive, decorative housing. The Essential Breeze Aromatherapy Fan requires no water or heat, meaning no dilution or compromise of the oil, just pure essential oil.  

Here’s how the Essential Breeze Aromatherapy Fan, paired lavender essential oil, and a children’s book, helped one busy mom find new “me time”: 

“Annie is 8 years old. Sometimes she finds it hard to settle down for the night. I’ve been looking for something to help with that and I found the Essential Breeze. I keep it loaded with a bottle of lavender essential oil because I have read that lavender oil helps with relaxation and sleeping. It diffuses without water or heat, so I feel that we are getting nothing but pure oil to help get Annie to sleep. The fan is very quiet, and each bottle of essential oil lasts for weeks. I turn the Essential Breeze on, tell her a story, and sing a lullaby. That’s lights out for Annie, and more time for me!”   

In addition to the Essential Breeze Aromatherapy Fan, Belle Aroma carries a full line of pure, natural, and organic essential and fragrance oils and diffusers to meet everyone’s needs. See the full lineup of both brands at Belle Aroma, Drive Time, and The Gift of Scent

Jean VanGrey for Belle 


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"Fill-up" on Fragrance!